Sunday, November 12, 2017

A visit to Chelsea and Christie's

This week I was intrigued by the art by Misha Kahn at Friedman Benda. The animalistic forms are rooted in earth. They are layered with organic and synthetic materials creating the feeling of outer space. This is probably what appealed to me in the first place - the push and pull of the familiar and other.

Misha Kahn Midden Heap

Bosco Sodi Caryatides

Nearby in Paul Kasmin Gallery Bosco Sodi installed these clay cubes. The simplicity of the structure complements the painterly surface. Something about their size or the warmth of colors makes one comfortable. The textured surface asks to be touched and the gaps between the cubes pose the question about their weight. Here is the structure that is heavy and levitates at the same time.

Louise Bourgeois Cove 1988

Luckily I also got to see this piece at Christie's. If you ever wonder how artist's ideas come together here is an excellent example as it is a hybrid of several other sculptures put together. It is more complex from this combination which makes it even more interesting in my eyes.

The three possible ancestors are:

 Janus Fleui 1968

Cumul 1968

 Welcoming Hands 1996

What do you think?

Leslie Jimenez Upton Windows

Leslie Jimenez exhibited several prints and this thread line artwork along with Pepe Coronado at the Uptown exhibition. She created the volume and almost sculptural feeling putting the thread through several pieces of velum. Abstracting the windows from their setting transformed into personages of its own will. Plus the use of craft material adds to the dialogue of what is art versus craft.
Beautiful workmanship.